Hey, I have a moral question.

If my boyfriend (25yo) shows me a photo of him as a kid, and asks me “Was I cute?” What is the appropriate response?

Of course my boyfriend is so cute, but saying that him as a kid was cute is inappropriate? Just because he was like 12yo in that picture?

Where is the line here? I usually refuse to have opinions on kids appearances because usually I have none, and I don’t know if saying that a kid looks “cute” is creepy.

  • @grasshopper_mouse
    42 years ago

    To me, the issue isn’t that you confirming he was cute is inappropriate. As others have stated, kittens are cute, babies are cute, etc, etc. What I find weird is why is he even asking? Why does he care about whether or not you think he was cute at that age? I’ve shown pics of myself to partners plenty of times and never have I asked them “Was I cute?” Why does he need this type of approval from you on a topic that’s irrelevant (he is no longer a child)?

    • @[email protected]OP
      32 years ago

      I always remind him that he is cute, it was some playful question, he has a little bit of a goofy personality that I like a lot. He also does many random things. This was some random question, but I didn’t really know how to respond.