Ever since Update 16 gave us nothing new that isn’t War-related except magnetic sippy cups at low-grav outposts, I’ve become disillusioned and very much disappointed in E:D and especially FDev. However, on the other site, whenever I post any comments that give any sort of criticism towards E:D or FDev, I get chastised and ridiculed. It seems that, now, the general consensus is that FDev can do no wrong and E:D is the greatest game ever. I don’t agree, I think they both have a lot wrong with them, and this is coming from someone with over 800 hours put into the game and who loves it to death. I guess I was wondering if this place is as much of an echo chamber as the other place, or if I can truly freely air my opinions on certain things about E:D and FDev here

  • Grasshopper ManOP
    31 year ago

    Yeah, I’d have to agree with you there. I guess the thing that disappoints me the most is that, were FDev to put even a little bit more effort into the IP that friggin made them what they are, they could have a massive moneymaker on their hands, but they’re lazy. Hands-down, they’re just lazy. The easy money is what they want, not the thing that, with a bit of effort, will be raking in the dough. But they’re allergic to effort, apparently. It just sucks

    • @infinitepcg
      1 year ago

      My take on this is that they aren’t lazy, they just determined that putting any resources into Elite won’t make them as much money as using the same resources somewhere else. I love Elite and want it to be improved but realistically, the business case isn’t there. Everyone who is into the idea of Elite has already bought it. They tried to expand the audience by adding an FPS and I think that bet didn’t go well. Whether or not you like the Thargoid war, it generates some press outside the existing playerbase. Yes, I’d like them to rework the engineers or add comets or landable ELWs. But players who are into that already bought the game.

      • @Vorrash
        41 year ago

        This is only from what I’ve read, but apparently the Cobra engine is a pain to work with and many of the devs who were most familiar with it have gone. If true it would explain why it would take so much effort and resources (and the poor optimisation). But again, that’s only from what I’ve seen others post so take with a pinch of salt!

        • HidingCat
          21 year ago

          Yea, I recall there’s more than one Glassdoor review that moans about the Cobra engine’s difficulties.