• NotAFuckingBot
    511 months ago

    (to the tune of ‘Spiderman’)

    Chickenshit, chickenshit; the GOP is chickenshit,

    Racists and misogynists; fix them with your votes and fists,

    Watch out…for Trump-sucking chickenshit!

    Chickenshit, chickenshit;

    We’re tired of your chickenshit.

    Jan. 6 was a fucking crime; make those fuckers do the time,

    Wash out…all of their chickenshit.

    In the heat of night, Trump will cower in his cell,

    As he dies of fright, he’ll finally go home to Hell,

    Chickenshit, chickenshit; the GOP is chickenshit,

    They hate people, just love cash; in prison they will just be gash,

    Watch out…they’re fucking traitors

    Watch out…feed them to gators

    Wash out…Republican chickenshit.