Abbott ‘has the blood of a child on his hands,’ a congresswoman said. ‘No good person would do this,’ said Mexico President López Obrador.

      • @betterdeadthanreddit
        1411 months ago

        I realize you didn’t explicitly ask for feedback in your comment but when you use that format, it works best if you choose contradictory views. Otherwise, you just end up looking like a moron.

        • @Deftdrummer
          11 months ago

          Glad there’s people like you who have it all figured out. Suck it. Besides if you’re talking about knowing your audience, Better Off Dead would like a word.

      • Corhen
        411 months ago

        Yea, that is logically consistent. No one should have poison pumped in their veins, and no one should be forced to carry and unwanted fetus.

        I say this with a wife that’s 9 months pregnant. I can’t wait to meet my son… And Im stonchly in support of her right to her own body.

        • @Deftdrummer
          11 months ago

          Ahh and where were you when an experimental mRNA jab was pushed en masse, people lost their jobs and acquired health complications because of this "vaccine " that didn’t even help?

          But something tells me your double standards speak volumes.

          • @lennybird
            011 months ago

            Exemplary example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, my guy. Or good troll, not sure.

      • dtc
        411 months ago

        Protect the kids in front, make literal death traps for kids in back.