I think the age of consent should be mu- lowered, I don’t even believe in the concept. You wanna know why? Because marriage is consent. You wanna know what’s wrong with sex? Being married means you consent to sex all the time. There’s no such thing as marital rape because when you marry a person you have a martial obligation to give your spouse sex whenever they want it. It’s literally Catholic doctrine so, you know, the only moral way to have sex is within marriage and the only way to get married is to consent to sex on demand - uh - and both partners agree to that, it’s their obligation, it’s a mortal sin to deny it. So that’s- that’s- how’s that for consent theory? That’s my… That’s my age of consent- that’s not age of consent, that’s age of marriage.

“Age of consent”. What is this? What is this? Christians have no use for such things. Christians have no use for such a concept - you get married. A Christian… A Christian doesn’t have sex with anybody, a Christian has sex with their spouse within marriage, and nobody is getting married at a prepubescent age. People get married when they’re at a reproductive age, when they’re adolescents… And so th- You know, I’m just redefining it.

According to estimates by Unchained At Last, between 2000 and 2018 almost 300K children were married in the United States. This included some children as young as 10 (p.5):

  1. 10-Year-Olds: 5 (<1%)
  2. 11-Year-Olds: 1 (<1%)
  3. 12-Year-Olds: 14 (<1%)
  4. 13-Year-Olds: 78 (<1%)
  5. 14-Year-Olds: 1,223 (<1%)
  6. 15-Year-Olds: 8,199 (4%)
  7. 16-Year-Olds: 63,956 (29%)
  8. 17-Year-Olds: 148,944 (67%)

As they explain on page 4 some states had missing data, so this is likely an underestimation.

  • @Sanctus
    1 year ago

    These dudes are so trenched into carnal pleasures and animalistic instincts it is effecting their ability to reason. Soon the Great Journey shall begin. But when it does, the weight of your idiocy will stay your feet. And you shall be left behind.

    • WithoutFurtherDelay
      1 year ago

      Carnal pleasures and animalistic instincts are good and normal actually

      I’m not sure what the Great Journey is but most people probably won’t take it if it involves denouncing those things

      Weird child rape person in the OP is just unhinged, evil, and completely disconnected from themselves. our “animalistic instincts” tell us not to rape children all the time, and those whose instincts don’t shouldn’t be allowed near children in general

      Edit: I think I just replied seriously to a Halo shitpost, fml