Six white former law enforcement officers from Mississippi have been charged with federal civil rights offenses several months after they raided a home where prosecutors said two Black men were stripped naked, beaten and shocked with Tasers.

One of the men was also shot during a “mock execution” and abused with a sex toy, federal prosecutors said.

The two Black men were identified only by their initials, M.J. and E.P., in federal court documents. But they had previously been identified as Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker in a federal lawsuit that they filed last month that accused six Rankin County officers of beating them over the course of nearly two hours.

According to federal prosecutors, Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Parker had been staying at a ranch-style home in Braxton, Miss., that was owned by a white woman who was a longtime friend of Mr. Parker’s.

On Jan. 24, a white neighbor told one of the Rankin County deputies that “several” Black men were staying at the house and that the neighbor had observed “suspicious behavior” there, the complaint states. One of the sheriff’s deputies, Christian Lee Dedmon, reached out to members of “the goon squad,” the complaint states.

“Are y’all available for a mission?” Mr. Dedmon texted them, the complaint states.

That night, the six officers raided the home without a warrant after they kicked in the back door and a carport door, the complaint states.

The officers handcuffed and repeatedly stunned Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Parker with Tasers, the complaint states. Mr. Parker was also kicked in the ribs. Mr. Dedmon demanded to know “where the drugs were” and fired a shot into the back of the house, the complaint states. Mr. Parker replied that there were no drugs.

The officers hurled racial slurs at the men, accused them of “taking advantage” of the white woman who owned the house and told them to “go back to Jackson or to ‘their side’ of the Pearl River, areas with higher concentrations of Black residents,” the complaint states.

In the house, one of the deputies put a sex toy onto the end of a BB gun and forced it into Mr. Parker’s mouth, the complaint states, adding that he then tried to force it into Mr. Jenkins’s mouth. While the men were handcuffed, they were held down while milk, alcohol and chocolate syrup were poured onto their faces and into their mouths, the complaint states. The men were then ordered to strip naked and to shower off to wash away evidence of the abuse before they were brought to jail, the complaint states.

After they showered, the men were beaten with a wooden kitchen tool and a metal sword. The officers repeatedly jolted the men with Tasers again.

One of the deputies then subjected Mr. Jenkins to what federal prosecutors described as a mock execution, the complaint states. That deputy, Hunter Thomas Elward, forced Mr. Jenkins on his knees, stuck an unloaded gun into his mouth and pulled the trigger, the complaint states.

He then racked the slide, intending to “dry-fire” the gun a second time, the complaint states. But when Mr. Elward put the gun back into Mr. Jenkins’s mouth and pulled the trigger, he shot a bullet that lacerated Mr. Jenkins’s tongue, broke his jaw and exited his neck, the complaint states.

  • @TheDoozer
    51 year ago

    Civil rights charges? I count several counts of battery, kidnapping, sexual assault, and attempted murder.

    How in the world can you call putting a gun in a handcuffed person’s mouth and pulling the trigger anything but attempted murder? Or forcing a sex toy into the mouth of an unconsenting, handcuffed person anything but sexual assault/rape?