Blizzard has said they plan on having two expansions. What would you like to see?

I’d like to see a Hell overworld (well, underworld) about the size of the current one but it changes randomly- maybe every day. Would need to be done so it doesn’t feel like you need to explore the whole map constantly. The expansion after would take place in Heaven. I want to kill God for loot. He fucking owes me.

I’d like to see the Paladin/Crusader and especially the Amazon make a comeback. A demon summoning class that has more temporary pets (because you sacrifice them for power) could be cool. Maybe add some witch doc stuff to it.

  • @SadTrain
    132 years ago

    Another World Tier would be ideal to make the 80-100 gap not feel so shitty.

    A horde mode/boss rush game type like Halls of Torment or Vampire Survivors. Give me upgrades that only work for the run, but as you kill more and more you get some kind of currency that can be used to purchase permanent gear for your character. I guess it’s just Helltides with ramping difficulty and density.

    Paladin/crusader is a must at this point. I’ve missed monk from D3 and hope it returns at some point. I’d like for them to make some kind of turret building/tinker class fit thematically. Give me bombs and junk!

    • @MrGibletsOP
      62 years ago

      Wouldn’t surprise me if they added another tier; I think they were trying to get away from the 20 difficulty levels in D3.

      The horde mode with temp powers sounds like it would be fun.

      Couldn’t get into the monk much myself but would be interested to see what they could do now. The tinker type class would be cool and there’s a lot they could explore there.

    • @jballs
      22 years ago

      I agree so much with the additional tiers. It feels like once you’re decently geared out in T4, anything outside of NM dungeons just gets too easy. Legion events, world bosses, hell tides; they all just get smashed with no real effort or sense of danger. I think having a T5 with enemies starting at level 100 and up would be awesome.