Blizzard has said they plan on having two expansions. What would you like to see?

I’d like to see a Hell overworld (well, underworld) about the size of the current one but it changes randomly- maybe every day. Would need to be done so it doesn’t feel like you need to explore the whole map constantly. The expansion after would take place in Heaven. I want to kill God for loot. He fucking owes me.

I’d like to see the Paladin/Crusader and especially the Amazon make a comeback. A demon summoning class that has more temporary pets (because you sacrifice them for power) could be cool. Maybe add some witch doc stuff to it.

  • @MrGibletsOP
    32 years ago

    There’s an occult book called “The Lesser Key of Solomon” that details 72 demons ruled by 72 angels. Might make for an interesting endgame endeavor. Each demon rules over seemingly random things like one teaches languages, stops and retrieves runaway persons, causes earthquakes, and grants noble titles. Would probably need to make them more game related, heh.