I don’t like the lack of transparency with how the Google Play Store doesn’t list the permissions if one pays for the app and instead only shows the permissions if one doesn’t pay.

I generally prefer it when devs release two apps – a free version and a paid version. This way it’s very clear on the Google Play Store what is being tracked in the paid app.

This won’t affect me personally, but I am curious if others would be more likely to use and pay for Sync if the permissions were more clear for the paid usage case.

  • Dialectic CakeOP
    32 years ago

    Yeah I was going to try the app based on all they hype but I noped out based on the trackers and that you have to accept all those permissions regardless if you pay. A dev saying they won’t use the data of paid users – that isn’t the kind of thing I would expect to be enforceable when legally you’ve already signed permissions for the data to be collected/used.