It's Spitballs! This is essentially a pilot for an official Red Letter Media animated series. In this series, Mike, Jay and Rich all play versions of themsel...
This feels a lot like Dr. Katz. Have some comedians record their bit and inject some random bits to try and force the show’s premise to work.
The animation is… quaint. I wonder if they considered just recording a bunch of these as a series, or if that was too much like a podcast and the wounds from whoever runs Shatner’s Xitter account are still too raw.
This feels a lot like Dr. Katz. Have some comedians record their bit and inject some random bits to try and force the show’s premise to work.
The animation is… quaint. I wonder if they considered just recording a bunch of these as a series, or if that was too much like a podcast and the wounds from whoever runs Shatner’s Xitter account are still too raw.