according to a site called democracymatrix there are 35 countries more democratic than the us

the countries
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
  • Costa Rica
  • Spain
  • Luxembourg
  • Australia
  • Estonia
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Austria
  • France
  • South Korea
  • Lithuania
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Uruguay
  • Cyprus
  • Chile
  • Slovakia
  • Greece
  • Czech Republic
  • Latvia
  • Barbados
  • Israel

  • @huojtkeg
    1 year ago

    I agree, those countries have internal problems. Said that, when they talk about democracy most of the time they are talking about freedom of speech and clean elections. When you have millions of people complaining and political parties that want the independence it proves there is a lot of freedom.