Seriously, though, Comic Sans was originally designed to be legible at the smallest possible font size, and the lack of hard lines makes it easier to read!

  • @gfrewqpoiu
    92 years ago

    You might like to try out Comic Code. Which is a redone version of Comic Mono but more in the style of Comic Neue, while including Programming Ligatures and Powerline etc. (though no logos etc from Nerdfonts so for terminal use you might still need to patch it with the careful option) I am using it and I like it a lot because it is so easy on the eyes like Lexend or Bookerly, but those two are not monospace.

    One huge con though, because of the work the author did with redrawing all characters from scratch, it is a font that you have to pay for to use.

    If you are still interested, check it out here: