The asymetry of online dating explained with real life data and simulations.
Surprising result: The most attractive male profiles get more matches than the most attractive female profiles.
The asymetry of online dating explained with real life data and simulations.
Surprising result: The most attractive male profiles get more matches than the most attractive female profiles.
Sad thing we don’t talk about how freaking miserable online dating is for men, and how companies like Match Group profiteer from our misery.
Pointing it out gets you labelled a bitter incel by society.
Probably depends on context. How you say it, and who’s listening. I had no such problem when talking about it. There probably are people who label me as whatever when I do or say whatever, but why should I care about their opinion.
I found it interesting in the video that the line is not only between men and women, but also between more and less “attractive” individuals of each group.