I mean I don’t want to racially profile but she looks to be a POC with light-brown-to-blonde hair. Even if she did color her hair (no pun intended) it’s not a remotely outlandish color, even to a religious organization like Chick Fil A. And that’s burying the lede on “So What If It Was Fire Engine Red, Why Should They Care?”
Wish granted.
Ah. Is she half black? Or super tanned? Is that why it is an issue that she has bleached hair? I was expecting something more wild instead of blonde.
I mean I don’t want to racially profile but she looks to be a POC with light-brown-to-blonde hair. Even if she did color her hair (no pun intended) it’s not a remotely outlandish color, even to a religious organization like Chick Fil A. And that’s burying the lede on “So What If It Was Fire Engine Red, Why Should They Care?”