A news conference on July 27 in front of the U.S. Capitol featured a broad array of activists and organizations: Christine Ahn, Women Cross DMZ; Joy Gebhard, Divided Family Member; Rick Downes, Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIAs; Lt. General (Retired) Daniel P. Leaf, U.S. Air Force; Joyce Ajlouny, American Friends Service Committee; Hana Marie Kim, 30 Under 30 activist and high school student; and Barbara Lee, U.S. Congress member from California.

Following the press event, an emotional Han ceremony at the Foundry United Methodist Church gave the many participants of Korean ancestry an opportunity to express and manage the complex emotions of sorrow, resentment, grief, sadness and hope that afflict many members of families separated during the Korean War and the following seven decades of a divided Korea.

Later, a rally in front of the White House featured Echo Hyunsook Cho, Women Cross DMZ; Medea Benjamin, Code Pink; internet personality Nick Cho, “Your Korean Dad”; and other speakers. It was followed by a spirited mile-long march past the Korean War Veterans Monument to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where an interfaith vigil was held.

  • themeatbridge
    -281 year ago

    So let Kim take the South then? That’s the plan? Unite Korea under a despotic cult leader who is starving his own people?

    • diegeticscream [all]
      201 year ago

      So let Kim take the South then? That’s the plan?

      Korean unification has support in both North and South.

      despotic cult leader who is starving his own people?


      The U$ should stop occupying and oppressing Korea

      • Anarcho-BolshevikOP
        111 year ago

        No, mate, it’s completely true: Kim Jong‐un is starving millions and millions of innocent people simply because he has nothing better to do with his time. Trust me, all of my entrepreneurial Korean friends can back me up on this.

        • QueerCommie
          31 year ago

          I’m sure the leader that’s so far right his ideology is called “k-trumpism” represents the views of every single Korean. I’m sure the average SK resident supports have poor quality food for poor people, doubled down patriarchy, and reduced wages for workers.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            The people of occupied Korea yearn for the 96 hour work week. They actually love it when our stupid fucking troops run over their kids with tanks.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Hell yeah, I too get my information about my country’s rivals from propaganda outlets and seth rogen movies

      • themeatbridge
        -101 year ago

        Sorry, are you suggesting that any of the Kims have not been despots? You know that we have access to more than one source of information, right?

        • diegeticscream [all]
          161 year ago

          You know that we have access to more than one source of information, right?

          Dang, you watch CNN and NBC? What a varied media environment.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago


          No you’re not, you love this shit

          You know that we have access to more than one source of information, right?

          Would these be the same sources of information that said covid is over, there’s not a recession, Ukraine doesn’t have a nazi problem, Russia is about to lose the war, China is sending balloons to spy on you, and Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction?

    • @[email protected]
      -211 year ago

      i literally don’t understand why people are arguing with you. fuck kim and north korean government. he needs to step down

      • diegeticscream [all]
        1 year ago

        i literally don’t understand why people are arguing with you. fuck kim and north korean government. he needs to step down

        We’re arguing with him because he’s wrong, and a white supremacist.

        Why do you think you know more about how the DPRK should work than they do?

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          well you see he watched this seth rogan movie once and browsed /r/politics obssessively for the last decade

        • themeatbridge
          -51 year ago

          Huh, I’ve been called a lot of things, but never a white supremacist. That’s a first for me.

          • diegeticscream [all]
            1 year ago

            Huh, I’ve been called a lot of things, but never a white supremacist. That’s a first for me.

            You are not Rudyard Kipling, carrying the white man’s burden to enlighten savages. The colonized people of the world want you to leave them the fuck alone.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Get used to it, as capitalism decays you, a liberal, will be defending more and more racist and fascist policies as the government tries to maintain profit and control.

        • @[email protected]
          -91 year ago

          lmfao because they’re a puppet state for china that threatens nuclear bullshit and violence all the time?

          no democracy, the people are starving and there’s government issued meth

          what the fuck are you even talking about you numbskull?

          why do YOU think you know more about how the DPRK(ironic name) should work than I do? you don’t but you’re supporting a fat fascist fuck so off the bat i know you got shit for brains

          • diegeticscream [all]
            1 year ago

            no democracy, the people are starving and there’s government issued meth

            If you can say it’s true without providing proof, I can say it’s not the same.

            threatens nuclear bullshit and violence all the time?

            They are under siege and constant threat of aggression. The U$ is the aggressor.

            why do YOU think you know more about how the DPRK(ironic name) should work than I do? you don’t but you’re supporting a fat fascist fuck so off the bat i know you got shit for brains.

            Fuck off, cracker

            • themeatbridge
              1 year ago

              Are these not the ten principles upon which the nation and its one party operate?

              • We must give our all in the struggle to unify the entire society with Kimilsungism and Kimjongilism.
              • We must honor the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as the eternal leaders of our Party and the people and as the Sun of Juche.
              • We must make absolute and desperately defend the authority of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the authority of the Party.
              • We must be thoroughly armed with the revolutionary ideas of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the Party’s lines and policies that are the realization of these ideas.
              • We must adhere strictly to the principle of unconditional obedience in accomplishing the instructions passed on by the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and in the Party’s lines and policies.
              • We must strengthen by all possible means the entire Party’s ideology, willpower, and revolutionary unity, centering on the Leader.
              • We must learn from the great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and adopt the noble mental and moral presence, revolutionary work methods, and people-oriented work style.
              • We must value the political life we were given by the Party and the Leader and loyally repay the Party’s trust and thoughtfulness with heightened political awareness and work performance.
              • We must establish strong organizational regulations so that the entire Party, nation, and military move as one under the one and only leadership of the Party.
              • We must pass down the great achievement of the Juche revolution and the Songun revolution, pioneered by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung and led by Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, from generation to generation, inheriting and completing it to the end.

              Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me.

              • diegeticscream [all]
                61 year ago

                “We should strengthen the people with our revolutionary philosophy, and be respectful of the people who helped us free ourselves from Imperialism” is not the nuclear take you think it is.

                Nothing about this is counter to a revolutionary democracy.

                • Anarcho-BolshevikOP
                  41 year ago

                  Well, you can also try offering research, but good luck convincing one antisocialist to read any of it for more than ten seconds. You’ll have more fun pulling your own teeth.

                  • @[email protected]
                    31 year ago

                    The tactic of “everyone who disagrees with me does not really hold these beliefs, but must actually be joking/a bot/paid” is quite useful for maintaining a warped image of the world in your head

            • @[email protected]
              -41 year ago

              fuck you idiot shill for the fascists harder lmfao you’re arguing with yourself because everyone else knows this situation

              i literally know people who escaped that awful country, do you?

      • themeatbridge
        -61 year ago

        Big internet, lotta people, many viewpoints. I don’t mind an honest discussion of opposing ideologies. But I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. I suspect there’s a concerted effort to make certain ideologies seem more popular than they actually are.

        • SovereignState
          1 year ago

          Who’s concerting this effort?

          This line is one of the most offensive from you bourgeois fuckers. So many of us are struggling workers. Where are these CPC checks? Where are these millions of rubles I’m owed?

          Shut the hell up. We’re human beings.

        • @[email protected]
          -81 year ago

          nah fuck your conspiracy mind. the dprk is shit and kim is a trash leader who needs to be ousted before progress can happen