The executive producer on Netflix’s The Witcher has blamed American audiences and social media sites such as TikTok for…

  • C4RP3_N0CT3M
    12 years ago

    That’s odd because I barely had second hand knowledge of the story, and it made perfect sense to me. Which part in particular did you find confusing before you looked it up yourself?

    • @isthingoneventhis
      2 years ago

      Going to be completely honest, a lot of it. It probably wasn’t a good fit for me overall but it was just generally hard to sit through or pay attention to because a) didn’t make sense b) was boring/felt pointless/meaningless (in context).

      Which idk, for example, I love David Lynch and adore his style; a lot of it can be pretty abstract/artsy. I can sit through that because it is engaging (to me). I get artsy stuff, it doesn’t have to be like p l o t driven constantly. Like the only things coming to mind rn is when they get to the spice planet or whatever and they have the convo with the idk gardener, and the whole time I was just like “why is this in here? why do I care about this interaction? I know I’m never going to see him again.” The whole thing with spiderman’s girlfriend was also just? boring? and very scripted? Like I get being prophesized or whatever sure, but it was just very “ah good we’ve met! anyways”. And it was supposedly super important finding her and ?

      Also the whole thing with the trial was also like almost there, like it was soooo close to being really polished. The scene is probably one of the better ones imo, but they just didn’t sell why it was important enough? It’s really hard to explain.

      All of the stuff though made sense aaafter seeing the YT video and it made the movies approach make more sense. I just needed something to bridge the gap.

      It took itself too seriously and the acting felt very meh, the plot was very meh, and while I overall appreciated the cinematography, it was not enough to sell the rest of the movie.