I’m not talking about necessarily an actual job, because I do it with hobbies to. But if I get focused on something, I need an outside source to bring me back. Yesterday at the end of my shift I found a bug in some code and it bugged me until this morning to work on it. I got to work right at 8:00 and after fixing it kept working. Next thing I know it’s 5:00 and my boss is messaging me asking if I’m still in and if I need help getting out for the weekend. I didn’t even take a lunch today. I wasn’t even hungry, thirsty, or even needing to use the restroom until I got that message. I just started working and got sucked in and forgot about basic necessities.

Does anyone else get this way?

  • Boozilla
    32 years ago

    I’ve been there a few times. It’s called flow state. You get so absorbed by the process you lose track of time. I’m much more likely to do this with hobbies than my job, but it has happened for me at work, too.

    I love it when it happens, but interruptions are a common nuisance that breaks it.

    • Uprise42OP
      32 years ago

      I enjoy it to an extent. But 9 hours is a bit scary to think about. It’s easier for me at work because I love what I do. My work and hobbies overlap a lot so it’s very easy to get sucked in