• Maharashtra
    1382 years ago

    I understand that there are plenty of reasons to dislike a game, ANY game, BG3 included, but how tf “has no right to exist” is supposed to be an argument? Based on what, according to whom, because what?

    • @[email protected]
      562 years ago


      By their logic games like civ with its turn based fighting “had no right to exist” because counterstrike is popular…

      Some people just enjoy being able to plan their actions and having a bird’s eye perspective on things.

        • @[email protected]
          182 years ago

          Oh god yes!
          Especially since becoming a parent being able to pause is more or less a must. That and being able to save at any point.

          • Drunemeton
            142 years ago

            save at any point

            OMGS that means you’re old enough, probably, to remember lying to your parents about not being at a save point so you just hafta keep playing a bit more…?

            • @[email protected]
              92 years ago

              I’m old enough to have had games with no save at all. 😂
              The original Zelda that could save your game was something out of the ordinary and a giant leap forward.

              • Drunemeton
                62 years ago

                Wow that’s going way back!

                It was a devastation kids these days will probably never know: Doing really, REALLY well on a game and it’s bedtime, “NO EXCUSES!”

                So you reach out and turn it off, knowing that the zenith of your life was just crushed by your uncaring “caregiver(s)”… 😂🤣😂

                I was mad at my mom for a week because I was doing amazing at “Pitfall” and…she sent my dad in (after her 3rd warning mind you)!

                • @[email protected]
                  52 years ago

                  And before owning a console for your self you rented one from the video rental place. So you had to play focused and not waste time on things like eating or your parents wanting to watch the news since we of course only had the one tv 😂

              • DAMunzy
                42 years ago

                Sobs in Dragon Warrior only being able to save at the king!

      • @[email protected]
        142 years ago

        Agreed. As someone who likes counterstrike, civ, baldurs gate 3, and I’ll even throw in the witcher, they all are fantastic games.

        Just because some games are turn based, or isometric, or 2d, doesn’t make them bad games. The gameplay mechanics in BG3 are fantastic. You can look around the battlefield to plan the most destructive attack possible, or rush in hoping for the best. You get to set the pace of the game. In turn, taking too long to strategize in counterstrike will give you a huge disadvantage, both different types of gameplay that have mechanics built around the intended gameplay.

        • @derpysmilingcat
          72 years ago

          I love being able to actually think about a battle and plan. Does it take me longer than it should? Probably. But setting up and killing an entire goblin camp with some well placed barrels and a candle is fun to me.

    • Norgur
      252 years ago

      If anything, Ubisoft-Formula-Games have “no right to exist” anymore because it’s literally the exact same game over and over and over, they just changed the perspective from 1st person to 3rd person depending on the IP the game gets released under…

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        Totally, and if this is the general opinion of Ubisoft developers then now we know why. Just doing the same as the current popular game will only lead to stagnation.

    • Hextic
      152 years ago

      If it’s not made for ME it shouldn’t exist.

      That’s it.

    • @DCLXVI
      -82 years ago

      Apparently Baldur’s Gate 3 never had a right to exist since Larian decided to make original sin 3 instead and now a true Baldur’s Gate 3 will never exist.

      • Maharashtra
        -62 years ago

        I fail to see why the game is titled BG3, instead of BG: .

        BG series had concluded with ToB and an ending that was both satisfying and closed. There were no important loose ends worth pursuing afterwards. The game takes place in the same setting, same territory but that’s about that.

        I hope to see how it’s going to be, where the story takes the protagonist, though.

        • Hextic
          42 years ago

          One reviewer that played through that and BG 1&2 said there is a lot of connections to the previous games. So it may be a sequel in every sense.

          Char name’s saga is over. Well maybe… idk

          • @DCLXVI
            2 years ago

            Carrying over a few story titbits makes it a sequel in every sense? Don’t you expect a game’s sequel to share gameplay characteristics? Baldur’s Gate 3 has a completely different story along with completely different gameplay - in what sense is it a sequel.

            If Larian are now incapable of making a game that isn’t original sin they should’ve refused to partner with wizards of the coats and put a “3” în the title, but neither of them seem to have any integrity.