I figured that this would be as good as any for my first post on Lemmy - showing off the entire Discworld Collector’s Library series that I managed to purchase from BookDepository.com before Amazon shut it down. Was able to pickup the whole series for around $500 USD. So glad I was able to get these and never figured I would own the complete set of these nice hardback editions.

  • Baron Von J
    12 years ago

    I love this hardcover series! Have been buying a few at a time from https://discworldemporium.com. Looks like you got a great deal on the set. Seems as though the emporium has started bundling smaller sets now (like Unseen University Collection, Witches Collection, Death Collection). Will have to look for those sets as I continue through the books!

    • DarraignTheSaneOP
      2 years ago

      Yep, if you look close the books actually list what “collection” they’re part of on the spine, I suppose the idea being that they could easily be sorted into those groups. I wanted to put them in published order however (since that’s how I’ve read them), so I used the list on DWE to sort them on the shelves.
