• @candybrie
    3710 months ago

    If the kid is old enough to purposely bypass the security, they’re probably around the right age to find some of the stuff on the other side. But you don’t want them accidentally stumbling into it because they searched something seemingly innocent.

    • @[email protected]
      1110 months ago

      This brought a memory rushing back of me and a family friend in the mid 90s using the family computer to find funny websites.

      Us: “Let’s search butt.com!”

      My godfather: “NOOOOO!!!”

      • @Misconduct
        810 months ago

        I just wanted to look up blueberry waffles but I was derping hard and couldn’t remember the word for blueberries… I was an adult at that point but just imagine a kid doing that on accident iykyk 💀