The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise. Nearly 16 million people aged 65 and older in the US lived solo in 2022, three times as many who lived alone in that age group in the 1960s. And as Baby Boomers age, that number is expected to grow even more, raising big questions about the country’s future.

  • Hank
    431 year ago

    Man I’m on my magical journey to become the most cynical person who ever lived myself but c’mon. There are better reasons to hate someone than their age like for example their weight, fashion choice, how they sound or how much they’re into mechanical keyboards.

    • @CeruleanRuin
      261 year ago

      It’s fun to trash the whole post-war generation, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that they were just as victimized by class warfare as we are. They benefited from the economic boom and were then lulled by their own masters into believing it was sustainable and things would be just as good for their own kids and grandkids. They were lied to too.

      Never forget that the real enemy isn’t any one group except for the oligarchs and leeches at the top of the economic ladder. We shouldn’t focus our ire on those people in between us and the top. They’re not the ones controlling the taps on the river of shit flowing down.

    • @Burn_The_Right
      131 year ago

      Those goddamned keyboards. All I hear in this house is the constant clacking and tapping drowning out every goddamned thought I ever hoped to have. I can’t get through a single episode of Bonanza without the incessant claxon of feckless tip-tappery. Fuck those goddamned things!

      Maybe I should get a different keyboard.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I’m getting so tired of the boomer bashing. It’s lazy and just helps to divide us even more. Isn’t that what the people with power want?

    • @Tylerdurdon
      31 year ago

      Dude! You’re a keyboard denyist! For shame! He who clicketies, shall clack for us all!