• DarkMatter_contract
    12 years ago

    That is an ideal take, however what i think make large community and a upvote or downvote system like reddit interesting is that with volume, good idea and disccusion is more likely to occurs. why did we go to forum anyway. i think it is to find different opinion and interesting disccusion and what other think of our opinion. If we just want to share our own opinion or take on something, a blog would do better.

    • Kichae
      22 years ago

      Good discussions don’t occur on huge subreddits.

      no discussions occur on huge subreddits.

      Discussions involve back-and-forths, and require the ability to actually focus on another person. There’s no focusing when there are 20,009 comments and everyone is just mindlessly scrolling past the top 200 before moving to another post.