New Convoy: S6 pocket “thrower” with 18350 titanium tube and Osram flat white CSLNM1 LED.

The extra few mm compared to an s2+ provides a longer reflector. The hotspot is a bit more concentrated than the smaller Lumintop fw1aa with the same emitter.

With the default 5 amp linear driver configured to group 8, 50% gets pretty hot after a minute or two. 35% in a different group might be more sustainable.

Overall I like this combination of aesthetics and functionality.

Also picked up the convoy AAA light which is surprisingly nice: stainless steel, 50 claimed lumens and a twisty which is tightly screwed in both the “on” and “off” positions, reducing the chance of accidental disassembly.

  • @Reader9OP
    1 year ago

    Will that s2 be getting the 5 amp buck driver upgrade? (Edit: just saw it will become an 8amp sft40!)

    That was my plan for this light too if I can manage it. I guess the buck driver would create less heat at the same output which would be more valuable to me in this case than the additional runtime.

    • MashedPotatoJeff
      31 year ago

      Yeah I’m also more interested in the heat management. We’ll see if 8 amps is too much even with the buck driver. I was originally planning on the 5A with this emitter but, as much as I like it, I don’t find myself using it very often.