You know that one album that is could’ve been a nice little EP if it wasn’t for the fillers or the bad singles or just really bad songs.

The Massacre fits the description perfectly to me. I legit like the album but I’m grown enough now to not enjoy Candy Shop or any other songs where Olivia is involved. Pretty much anything near the end of the album is throwaway except for Position of Power and I Don’t Need Em.

I keep 13 tracks total. And there’s 21 on tracklist.

  • Andjhostet
    11 year ago

    Donda by Kanye could be a top 5 album of his potentially if it were cut by half to about 45 min.

    • DemolitionManOP
      11 year ago

      Yeah I wasn’t feeling the album at all but I could give it more chances if it wasn’t that fuckin long.