• @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Damn. I’m not even an atheist and I agree with OP. Your take is just antisemitic.

    We should take this a step further though. Any kind of genital mutilation should be illegal, including bottom surgery.

    • @nxfsi
      411 year ago

      It’s not my take on it, it actually happened in Germany where both Muslims and Jews cried out that depriving them of their right to snip baby dicks is nazi persecution

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        It’s also happened in a few places in the US. Cities or states tried to outlaw the practice and religious communities screeched about not being allowed to carve up babies’ bodies.

    • jerry
      201 year ago

      You mean illegal without consent right?

    • @starman2112
      1 year ago

      Why does any kind of bottom surgery have to be illegal? Why not just limit it to consenting people above the age of majority?

      Grouping bottom surgery with genital mutilation makes you sound like an alt-right troll, and it bugs me that this is well received on this website.

      Edit: “I’m not even an atheist” means absolutely nothing. You’re just teaming up with an atheist in an online argument to bash Jews.

    • @Captain_Waffles
      11 year ago

      Bottom surgery should only be illegal if it’s done nonconsensually. Adults should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t pose a significant risk to their health.

      • @starman2112
        21 year ago

        Adults should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t pose a significant risk to someone else’s health

        Fixed that for you. Don’t give conservatives ammo to legislate my right to tattoos away.

        • @Captain_Waffles
          -21 year ago

          Tattoos do not pose a significant risk to your health. Yes, there is a risk, there’s also a risk from riding a bike or going swimming. If it would put a person at significant risk for major health issues it should not be legal.

          • @starman2112
            11 year ago

            The problem is giving conservatives the opportunity to define “significant risk”

    • such_lettuce7970
      -271 year ago

      Damn I should tell my surgeon he mutilated me. And my other surgeon, who took out my tonsils, also mutilated me. My dental surgeon, the wisdom teeth removal - believe it or not, also mutilation. Don’t even get me started on my dad’s heart surgeon, that butcher.


      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        I’m sorry but yes, you should consider bottom surgery mutilation. There’s a difference between the other things but I’m sure you’re missing it.

        • @niemcycle
          321 year ago

          The big difference is the consent; bottom surgery is done with the consent of the patient and circumsicions are typically done to babies who have no say in the matter. Heck, if someone wants to get circumsized later in life, they absolutely should be able to. Don’t get the whole thing about ‘mutilation’, adults should be able to do whatever they want to their bodies.

        • @starman2112
          1 year ago

          Bottom surgery is literally, definitionally, not mutilation when it’s done for a consenting adult.

          If you want to call bottom surgery mutilation by your own definition, then literally every surgery is mutilation. But like, cutting out my defective heart and installing a working one, while technically “mutilating” me, is objectively a good for my health.

          You can call surgery mutilation if you want, but it isn’t helpful to anyone and it only serves to make transphobes feel good about themselves.

        • @Captain_Waffles
          -21 year ago

          So someone getting bottom surgery after their penis was irreparably damaged in an accident is being mutilated? Or someone treating a medical issue so they stop passing out from their Cramps? Wow, I’m glad my doc mutilated me out of pain. 🤦

          • @[email protected]
            -61 year ago

            Do you always try to start arguments by making shit up about what the other person said? Yes? Ok then, you do you I guess.

            • @starman2112
              11 year ago

              You’re saying that bottom surgery is genital mutilation. They’re giving examples of situations where even a transphobes should agree that bottom surgery is good. If it is mutilation in those examples, then you agree with what they said. If it isn’t mutilation in those examples, then it isn’t mutilation in the first place.

            • @Captain_Waffles
              -31 year ago

              We should take this a step further though. Any kind of genital mutilation should be illegal, including bottom surgery.

              You said bottom surgery was mutilation and should be illegal. Those are both bottom surgeries, therefore by your own statement you think they should be illegal. I don’t have to make shit up when you already did that for me.

            • @starman2112
              21 year ago

              Calling people fucktards isn’t helpful, it only makes you less convincing

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                What would you prefer I call them? Sadists? Barbarians? Pedophile-adjacents? Misandrist pigs? Savages?

                • @starman2112
                  21 year ago

                  What are you talking about? They’re saying that bottom surgery has legitimate medical applications, which it does. I don’t know whether to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you just replied without reading the comment, or give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re smart enough to read and are actually calling people who get bottom surgery pedophiles.

                  Either way, this whole comment section is really making me second guess my commitment to quit reddit, if this is the caliber of discussion we have here.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    It seems that was that Eleazar changed the subject so abruptly that I assumed that they meant something different than what they actually said.

                    Trans rights~

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                They’re trying to say it isn’t mutilation by saying that it is occasionally necessary medically.

                • @starman2112
                  1 year ago

                  Lemme help you out here buddy

                  @[email protected] made the incredibly transphobic and apparently popular argument that all bottom surgery is genital mutilation.

                  @[email protected] replied to them, saying that they dont consider the bottom surgery they recieved to be genital mutilation.

                  @[email protected] made the incredibly offensive comment that yes, actually, such_lettuce7970 was mutilated.

                  @[email protected] replied saying that sometimes bottom surgery is medically necessary, implying that when it is medically necessary, it’s wrong to consider it mutilation.

                  Then you called him a fucktard for some unfathomable reason.

                  @[email protected] said that you read their comment wrong, because you still assume they’re talking about infant circumcision.

                  Did this help?

                  • such_lettuce7970
                    1 year ago

                    Thank you, yeesh. This is possibly the dumbest comment section I’ve ever seen on here. And yes, Eleazar is a transphobe, who quite ironically was arguing a week ago that homophobia, in Florida, amongst christians like themself, is rare and unpopular. Even if I bought that (I don’t and it feels like a classic “as a gay man” moment), it always makes my head shake when people are seemingly offended at being accused of homophobia, then turn around and go “oh, but those transes though, yeah fuck them”.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  Circumcision isn’t mutilation. That’s a fact. Infant circumcision to appease a sky fairy or to fit in with your neighbours? Yeah that’s mutilation.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    That’s a fact.

                    No it isn’t. A lot of people are victims of disinformation and “willingly” agree to a circumcision later in life as an easy solution to something like phimosis only to discover how much harm it does.

      • @SuddenDownpour
        51 year ago

        It should be noted that some adults decide to receive bottom surgery and that’s respectable. It’s clear some people here don’t get the nuance.