What book is currently on your nightstand?
Who is the author?
What genre?
How do you like it?
Would you recommend it to others?

  • McBinaryOP
    11 year ago

    Last week was super busy and I didn’t get to finish the two I’ve been working on. :(

    Currently reading Abaddon’s Gate by James Corey, the first two were pretty good. I’ve seen all of the TV show, so I’m curious how the books differ from The Expanse. I’d definitely recommend all of these books, just on the basis that the TV show is like a Sci-Fi Magnum Opus. I’d even go so far as to say the TV show is actually better than the books, only because they expand a lot on the intricate detail from the books to make it much more visually striking and immersive.

    I’m also working through Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells. It’s book 3 in the murderbot series. All of them have been fun so far.

    • Alien Surfer
      1 year ago

      I’m waiting on book 4 from the public library (Cibola Burn). I heard book 4 was even better then the first 3. I’m eager to read it.

      The first murderbot book (All Systems Red) is in my queue.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Same! Quick to read, fun writing and I love the characters. One of my most recommended Sci fi series to friends.

      • Bufo
        11 year ago

        Another Murderbot fan here! It was such a treat to read when I stumbled across it a couple of years ago.