I’m still working my way through Tears of the Kingdom

  • heyfluxay
    112 years ago

    Tears of the Kingdom.

    Tears of the Kingdom.

    And then MORE Tears of the Kingdom!

    Just crossed 100 shrines last night, might knock out my 3rd temple soon. It’s been such a great game to explore and consume, quite possibly an all-time fav right now.

    • nshki
      52 years ago

      Ha, similar story for me. TotK is an absolute masterpiece. It takes all of my free time and I’m totally okay with it.

      • heyfluxay
        32 years ago

        I’d been in a bit of a gaming slump and this hit right at the perfect time.

        • experbia
          42 years ago

          It was such a breath of fresh air to have a major release like this drop and have it actually be tested and playable and fun from day 1. It actually kind of made me excited for new games again for a bit.

    • GeekyOnion
      32 years ago

      One of the things I’m really enjoying with it is that I can pick it up for 5-10 minutes when I need a break, and just set myself up for a discrete “next step.” Sometimes that’s going from one place to another, solving a shrine, upgrading my battery, and sometimes it’s “try to beat this miniboss a couple of times.” All the MMOs I play on my laptop require me to have a larger block of time.

      • heyfluxay
        32 years ago

        I was in a rush to get through BotW and our first child was nearly on the was (3/24 birthday) and I wanted to finish before my life went topsy turvy…

        I’ve don’t the exacts opposite with TotK and I love its ability to distract me. “Let me go over here and accomplish X or Y” On the way to X or Y gets distracted by A, B, and C…

        2 Hours later…

        “Let me go over to X now”.

        It’s fantastic.