no experience whatsoever except i used an oxyacetylene torch and a spot welder a couple times in a shop class ages ago. long enough ago that i don’t really remember wtf i was doing.

i don’t have a shop or a welder so i would prefer to read / watch courses and get a decent grasp of the basics before i commit to investing cash monies. and recommends for someone just starting out would be appreciated too… particually how you deal w the heat if you are a big wuss about having a/c like me (mostly its cz i have some bad skin probs that flare up in high heat)

  • @bemenaker
    211 months ago

    Probably going to take a Saturday class at local vocational school. My wanting to weld is just recreational, minor home repairs, and just for the hell of it

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 months ago

      Saturday class at local vocational school.

      i’ve never looked at vocational scghools. that;s a really intreresting idea. do they let you do 1-day class stuffs?

      i thought they were like normal unis except that you dind’t have to go as many years and got to cut out ssome of the lame stupid ass classes that aren’t directly relevant to whatever you doing