“I do not know when I’ll be back, hopefully soon,” Wardlow responded.

“I’ve been off TV for almost a couple months and I’ve been very depressed,” he continued. “Wrestling is my everything that makes me happy. So, today I feel like me again for the first time in months. I just want to say thank you guys for coming out because you guys really flip a switch in my mind, my heart that I needed, so thank you.”

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    I was just talking to my wife about this the other day. I miss Wardlow. He’s so strong! And I can feel his enthusiasm through his tough-guy schtick. It’s infectious.

    Plus his entrance reminds me of Mountain Dew for some reason and that makes me giggle a little.

    • @PancakesOPM
      111 months ago

      Man I rewatched his match with Scorpio Sky for the TNT belt. That’s probably one of his best matches.