Anyone have any good suggestions? Educational stuff is good, but I’m also interested in other games that kids can play solo or with parents. (We’re a PC gaming house, but I’m open to suggestions for any platform.)
Anyone have any good suggestions? Educational stuff is good, but I’m also interested in other games that kids can play solo or with parents. (We’re a PC gaming house, but I’m open to suggestions for any platform.)
My best memories were when my dad would take time out of his schedule to play a multi-player games with me.
I have an 7 year old that got really into two player Stardew Valley which works in two ways because I told him if he wants to know what they are saying he will have to sound out the dialogue for himself.
I was gonna mention Stardew valley! But it can be slow paced at times, albeit I haven’t played in ages so that’s probably changed lol
Great way of getting him to practice his reading!