Pretty new diver here, about 40 dives, and looking for advice.

Just finished up a week of dives in Grenada, and made a point of paying attention to air consumption. Based on Internet advice, I focused on breathing deeply and exhaling completely, counting 4 seconds in, 6 seconds out. Doing this, my computer reported average SAC has dropped from about 0.8 to 0.5, and I’m not the one calling dives for gas anymore. This seems like a great improvement.

However, my buoyancy goes to shit when I’m doing this. Breathing more “normally”, I can maintain a neutral depth with good trim. But with this more efficient breath control, I go up and down several feet with every breath. This actually makes it pretty easy to control when I ascend and descend, but obviously isn’t great for most of the dive.

If I try to breathe normally-but-slow, I feel like I’m hyperventilating.

So what’s the trick here? How do you both breathe efficiently and control your buoyancy?

I think I’m pretty well weighted, since I have no problem maintaining my safety stop with the shallower breaths.

  • @nottellingOP
    11 year ago

    I have been working on that. The frog kick bothers one of my old knee injuries, but I’ve been figuring out how to get it with less strain on the knee.

    • @chiliedogg
      11 year ago

      What kind of fins are you using? My usual line to my students is that there’s 2 kind of fins: jet fins and bad fins.

      But the exception is for knee and ankle issues. Jet-style fins can be real tough on them.

      Look into the Scubapro Seawing Nova fins if you haven’t. All my students with knee and ankle problems that have tried them swear by them.

        • @chiliedogg
          11 year ago

          Those aren’t jet-style, no. They’re also not great for back kicks and helicopter turns because they’re “floppier” than you’d typically want. With floppy fins, you tend to get a lot of forward propulsion in the first part of the back kick because the tips bend up or down. It’s like trying to push a garden hose - it can be done, but it’s not very efficient.

          Seawing novas do it a bit as well, but their rear “wing” kinda self-trims a bit on the backwards motion to minimize it. Jets (big, heavy, stiff fins designed in the 60s and still the de-facto standard for commercial, military, and tech diving) really do the best job, but they’re pretty hard on the joints.

          I swear I’m not a Scubapro shill. I think their computers are underwhelming, their BCDs way overpriced, and their top-end drysuit is my worst Scuba purchase ever.

          But they do make some great fins.

          • @nottellingOP
            11 year ago

            Oh cool, I thought “jet” was a style of fin, not a specific model. I’ll pick up some of those seawings before my next trip.

            I will be entirely unsurprised if the fins I bought mostly at random because my OW cert shop required it turn out to be half my frustration.

            Thanks for the advice.

          • @nottellingOP
            17 months ago

            Hey, 7 months later, just finished my first dive trip with a pair of seawing Nova fins. Excellent advice, thank you.

            I’m addition to making the finning easier on my knees, they’re more buoyant than my other fins, so my trim was better, making wrecks and the Cenotes cavern much easier.


            • @chiliedogg
              17 months ago

              That’s great to hear! Glad I could help.