I’m not sure what Larian are trying to do with this character: he’s clearly a whiny, creepy rapist character with the way he creeps up on you in camp.

I understand wanting to include evil characters for variety, but I’m struggling to see how he fits into any party. A good player will boot him as soon as he tries to attack them and shows no remorse. An evil player will boot him for being a leech.

Does he get better later in the game to justify his existence?

  • @unclever_lemmy_name
    82 years ago

    I kicked him from the party as soon as he tried to bite me while sleeping. I realized afterward that he took the green gear I just bought for him with him. So I reloaded, took the gear off him before calling it a night, and then was even angrier at him for trying to bite me and making me go through the whole reload process that I killed that bitch. One of the best moments in the game so far.