Wanna switch places with me? I go in USA, and you can enjoy your time in russia. Good place, really. Firearms (like handguns) are unavailable to the public, education are free (especially if you fight Ukraine! wovie!) traditional values are uphold and… oh god I can’t keep it.
Just, before calling your place a shit hole, consider how much many places are worse and instead of bitching, at least think about make your country better… before its too late. Before things gets so bad that you will get beaten and detained for holding a blank sheet of paper in public.
Yes, your country in a much worse situation and Ukraine even more so.
Reading you and this American before you I feel for you both. I hope you can find some comfort in here or from some important authors.
I like this one : Charles Baudelaire
Épigraphe pour un Livre condamné
Lecteur paisible et bucolique,
Sobre et naïf homme de bien,
Jette ce livre saturnien,
Orgiaque et mélancolique.
Si tu n’as fait ta rhétorique
Chez Satan, le rusé doyen,
Jette ! tu n’y comprendrais rien,
Ou tu me croirais hystérique.
Mais si, sans se laisser charmer,
Ton œil sait plonger dans les gouffres,
Lis-moi, pour apprendre à m’aimer ;
Âme curieuse qui souffres
Et vas cherchant ton paradis,
Plains-moi ! … Sinon, je te maudis !
Wanna switch places with me? I go in USA, and you can enjoy your time in russia. Good place, really. Firearms (like handguns) are unavailable to the public, education are free (especially if you fight Ukraine! wovie!) traditional values are uphold and… oh god I can’t keep it. Just, before calling your place a shit hole, consider how much many places are worse and instead of bitching, at least think about make your country better… before its too late. Before things gets so bad that you will get beaten and detained for holding a blank sheet of paper in public.
Yes, your country in a much worse situation and Ukraine even more so.
Reading you and this American before you I feel for you both. I hope you can find some comfort in here or from some important authors.
I like this one : Charles Baudelaire
Épigraphe pour un Livre condamné
Lecteur paisible et bucolique,
Sobre et naïf homme de bien,
Jette ce livre saturnien,
Orgiaque et mélancolique.
Si tu n’as fait ta rhétorique
Chez Satan, le rusé doyen,
Jette ! tu n’y comprendrais rien,
Ou tu me croirais hystérique.
Mais si, sans se laisser charmer,
Ton œil sait plonger dans les gouffres,
Lis-moi, pour apprendre à m’aimer ;
Âme curieuse qui souffres
Et vas cherchant ton paradis,
Plains-moi ! … Sinon, je te maudis !
.- - Charles Baudelaire,
Nouvelles Fleurs du Mal