Any tips, tricks, recommendations or warnings?

  • lolzy
    1 year ago

    Full group was around this week, but we chatted and caught up for far too long, so we settles for a couple of games of Sushi Go Party. We haven’t played for a couple of years, but it’s still a fairly fun time!

    We also had some friends visit this weekend, so we took them out to our local board game cafe. We played a couple of games of Diamant, with the women of the table absolutely wiping the guys on points. We then tried Secret Identities which has probably been the most fun I’ve had with one of these style party games. Abstract clues and deductive reasoning made from a maddeningly good time - we’re very tempted to grab a copy for our collection!

    As it was the first time for a while that we’ve visited the cafe, we were finally able to switch put our rentals. So we temporarily have, and are looking forwards to trying:

    • Cat in the Box
    • Glow
    • Blitzkreig!