A couple of things buried in the article:

A dizzying array of new technologies and approaches have been incorporated into the effort, from semiautonomous robot dogs patrolling the grounds to artificial intelligence software designed to detect and deter any armed person who enters the base.


Planners factored in the potential for as much as 7 feet of sea level rise by the end of the century, and as a result placed the “vast majority” of new buildings at elevations that should be safe from storm surges for decades, Dwyer said. In addition, sensors placed near the low spots of buildings will send alerts the moment a flood threatens.

  • @dhork
    1 year ago

    The Pentagon long studied the potential impacts — it calls climate change ” a critical national security threat and threat multiplier” — and has produced a growing body of research about the challenges, the potential solutions and increasingly specific plans to adapt.

    Shit, man, wait until DeSantis realizes that the US Military has acknowledged climate change! They’ve gone woke! Shouldn’t they be banned from Florida?

    Maybe that’s why he’s making his own personal army in Florida, he needs soldiers who will believe in the things he tells them to believe in…