Video games also have potential legal advantages over IQ tests for companies. You could argue that “we only hire people good at video games to get people who fit our corporate culture of liking video games” but that argument doesn’t work as well for IQ tests.
yet again an original post title that self-sneers
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Get ready for that percentage to go down.
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most of us here have heard of them, know the history of IQ in as much detail as you need to to counter race scientists, and understand perfectly well that it’s largely nonsense, but thanks anyway
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drink! and so early in the day too
should we start bets on whether it’s zee in a mind suit (on a different instance)?
shit, I’m just enjoying the worst parts of Reddit not realize their debatebro race scientist bullshit (likely copied from a textfile too, given the response speed) won’t work here til it’s entirely too late
it’s a bit amusing how literal-sealioning it is yeah
wonder how long they can stay Novel
You want to speak to the manager? It’s me, I am the manager.
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our IQ minded friend has been escorted to the egress, so will doubtless continue responding but from servers we’re not reading from here
@mind @sneerclub Here’s the problem: that study DID NOT show that IQ could “predict” anything. It showed a CORRELATION but that’s a totally different thing. IQ is not determinative or causative of anything, because it is an entirely synthetic metric whose measurement is based on unproven and essentially unprovable theory.
The concept of “Innate General Intelligence” which IQ purports to quantify is the phlogiston of psychology.
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@grumpybozo @mind @sneerclub Correlations by definition are predictive, my friend. You could argue that the predictive effect doesn’t generalize to other datasets, but the burden of proof is definitely on you to show that.
yeah, tthis guy’s on the wrong lemmy
@mind @dgerard
This was debunked over 40 years ago.
What is the reason for the pernicious resilience of the IQ myth?
Spearman was never able to find a g. It’s always shown to be a statistical artefact.
*smh* and then the fallacious comparison to climate change.
IQ tests, in common with most “race science”, doesn’t produce good results.
Climate change constantly does.
You’re more like Room Temperature superconductors. (Which may even be becoming real! As opposed to IQ.)
starts with “r” (and ends “acists”)
Timnit Gebru demonstrates that AI is the intellectual heir of IQ tests which spring from the eugenics movement. If only I was a fraction as smart.
Timnit is amazing! this is going on my “watch today when work isn’t actively destroying my mind” list
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