I’m so happy. With all the reddit stuff it’s been kinda stressful. I use reddit for dopamine fixes but also a lot to find answers to questions. But I found only in the past year the ADHD women community and felt supported and at home.

I thought I was going to have to say goodbye to that but here at least some of that community is.

  • @pixel_witchOP
    41 year ago

    Oh man I lost way to much time to boru. There was one on going that I was hoping to see concluded but oh well. Just hoping the kid worked out her stuff so she could find happiness.

    • @asherbasher
      21 year ago

      The one with the mother who had an Entitled Mom tried to grab her baby, because her Entitled Kid wanted to hold her baby was insane. That escalated so quickly!

      • @pixel_witchOP
        21 year ago

        Yea that one and the one with the friend was breast feeding her baby and she didnt she had been doing it.

        • @asherbasher
          31 year ago

          Yeah, the friend that had convinced herself, that the baby was their’s. That was both creepy and sad.