I am thinking about building a PC oriented towards music production. My current desktop is 10 years old this month and is due to be replaced. Had been considering a Mac Studio but I am having second thoughts given the significant price difference and Apple’s expensive storage upgrades.

[https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Legonatic/saved/#view=q8MYXL](Link to list)

I use Ableton Live 10 for my DAW. I have a Scarlett 4i4 audio interface, so no need to add any sound card to the build.

Going for a microATX build to save on physical space. Will also likely add another case fan somewhere. No Windows 11 license listed but I intend to get one. GPU is more for any light video editing or Photoshop I might do, not planning to do much of any gaming.

Any suggestions for improvement on this part list or any thoughts in general?

  • @mrmhm
    12 years ago

    The stock CPU cooler should be okay to start but you might start running into thermal problems after an extended period, especially with heavier multi-track projects. YMMV, but if it’s in the budget it’s nice to have thermal overhead and have it run quieter.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      I’m honestly surprised that it comes with a cooler with a tdp of 65w while the CPU has a tdp of 219w. I definitely expect some thermal throttling.

    • @LegonaticOP
      12 years ago

      Might go for a better cooler then.