title. We live in interesting times. Those especially traveled, would love to hear your input.

  • @waterbogan
    51 year ago

    Japan. My brother lives there, I’ve visited and spent some time there four times so far, about to head back for a fifth. Most civilised country I’ve ever been in. Yes, it isnt perfect, and has its issues and defects, but on the whole we in the West could learn a lot from Japan, just as Japan once learnt from us back in the 50’s and 60’s. Unfortunately the West is too arrogant, and will not swallow its pride and have the humility to admit that someone else has a better way to live, or be willing to learn. Every country in the world can teach us something, we just need to be willing to learn

    • gzrrt
      1 year ago

      There are lots of things I could criticize Japan for, but the country’s approach to zoning and land use is just objectively the best. Japan’s cities and overall built environment are obviously better than ours (in the US) to such a ridiculous degree, that I’m not sure why we don’t send all of our municipal planners over there to just take notes.

      • @waterbogan
        21 year ago

        That is something I didnt know, but given how little buildable land they have for so many people that comes as no surprise when I think about it

    • Homer at the Bat
      21 year ago

      I live in Japan. I love the place. Has issues like any other country, but pale in comparison. Life is safe and tranquil, beautiful country.

      • @waterbogan
        11 year ago

        I’m in New Zealand which has a reputation for being safe and tranquil (and it is… in some parts). Japan lives up to it practically everywhere, even the big cities. And yes Japans issues pale in comparison to ours, just as our pale in comparison to places like the USA or South Africa

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I would love to live in Japan. I saw a documentary once about their school lunches and omg, they have delicious food over there. None of that unhealthy crap they eat in the US.

      • @waterbogan
        11 year ago

        Food in general there is really good, it is a healthier society in many ways beyond that too

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Yes it’s easy to see how extreme capitalism is very, very bad for societies and people. Its a race to the bottom.

          I’ve been thinking about this a bit and I’ve reached the conclusion that it’s not the political systems that are the problem, it’s the consciousness level of the business and political class. It’s just too low and they all pray to the god of money and power.