I want to replay the original Fallout because when I did I cheesed my way through it (got captured by the master, save-scummed like crazy and killed everyone, game over without actually realizing what happened), and I was wondering what’s the most the most balanced build to have most doors open when it comes to choosing how to approach a quest. I don’t want the exact stats or anything, just some general tips.

Thank you all in advance!

    2 years ago

    I think something like strength 4, with maxed out or nearly maxed out luck, intelligence, and agility is very powerful. You can increase every skill by one, and if you take gambling all of the skills except luck will be trivial to purchase, but the opportunity only appears midgame.

    Depending on what you want to do tagging gambling can be game breaking since once it’s high enough to statistically win you can go into a casino and win as much money as you want.

    High luck gives you more special encounters. The alien blaster is good but I think the Red Ryder BB gun is even better. Important- the version of the gun in the locked container is a decoy, that’s not the good one. The good version of the BB gun with high luck and small gun skill can one-shot super mutants with critical hits.

    After that, you can go high science if you want to talk the master to death, or high speech for more speech check wins, or lockpick skill to get more items (though with gambling this is largely unneeded).

    • pieceOP
      32 years ago

      Yeah in my first playthrough I had a crazy high gambling skill and pur something on the keyboard to keep the right button pressed untill I was a milionaire, lol. High luck, intelligence and agility sounds fun! Thanks for the tips!