RESULT : it doesn’t work. not possible to comment to a “deleted” post. yet it is confusing because the interface lets the user write a comment since the commenting box is not grey(ed)_out But as soon as hitting the post_button then it is grey(ed)_out and we get the spiral of death.

Proposed test :
Post “removed by moderator” allows to comment there … (to be re-tested) But it is impossible to comment if it was locked … 🤔

  • @[email protected]M
    2 years ago

    I deleted this post as mod of
    While it is still “deleted” I am now trying to comment in this post from !

    RESULT : it doesn’t work.
    not possible to comment to a “deleted” post. yet it is confusing because the interface lets the user write a comment since the commenting box is not grey(ed)_out
    But as soon as hitting the post_button then it is grey(ed)_out and we get the spiral of death.