In the past, we’ve had issues with women suffrage, slavery, and sanitation, among many other things.

Today we have gun control, AI, intended/unintended false information, vaccines, etc. as consistently hot topics.

In a few decades’ time, what views do you have now that may spark major social debate in the future? What conservative and/or progressive stances do you take today that might be too far on either extreme in the far future?

    • @TheInsane42
      1 year ago

      I half agree, internet is important to have access to all views available. The problem now is that it’s profitable to keep people in their own bubble as most are to lazy to look at more then 1-2 sources for their info and loads limit themselves to corporation (facebook for one) or government regulated sources (freely in the US or by force in Russia and China).

      A lot of people are dissuaded to think for themselves, which is killing for a source with this much info of which a lot is garbage. Internet went downhill when the commoners were given access and thus the corporation found a new place to fleece money from them. (and yes, this could be considered as a garbage opinion as well ;) )