Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?

  • Neato
    381 year ago

    Came from a lab? Possible. But it doesn’t really have the hallmarks of a bioweapon. It spreads way too rapidly. There’s no functional antidote/vaccine/treatment. There’s no preventives. It mutates waaaay too quickly. All things that remove control from the users. If you’re going to bio-bomb a population, you definitely don’t want major blowback.

    • @whileloop
      251 year ago

      I’d believe COVID was a bioweapon if the main suspect wasn’t also the country that was hurt most by COVID.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        141 year ago

        And also, if COVID was a bio “weapon” its efficacy was really crap considering that the majority of people still survived it, even without medical assistance.

        • @jantin
          121 year ago

          Heh. Survived but at what cost? 10% infected are temporarily disabled, 2% permanently. Unless you design it for battlefield, quick death is not a priority. In the era of directed refugee streams used as bargaining card at best, weapons at worst it’s not hard to figure out, that disabling/incapacitating a part of population is a better long-term strat than going for decimation: you burden the social services and diminish the workforc. For the record: I DO NOT believe COVID was a weapon and I DO NOT believe it leaked from a bioweapon lab.

    • @mlg
      41 year ago

      I actually read a pretty funny theory that claimed it was a bioweapon designed to function like a naturally occurring disease.

      The basis of the argument was that it was used to rapidly disrupt the global market which would cause many large international corporations’ stock value to drop, allowing China to buy out ownership of direct competitors or expand control for cheap.

      In that sense, it would have been a perfect bioweapon because it absolves China of having manufactured it in a lab, and its rapid spread but low mortality did have the disruption effect that China wanted.

      tbh though I’m still convinced it was just SARS’s cousin that probably mutated in a bat lol

      • @MonkRome
        31 year ago

        China didn’t really benefit from Covid, so one would think that if that was their plan, they would have planned better.