I know of lipu Linku. However, it doesn’t have the names for all the ma and toki (e.g. toki Inli, ma Mewika, etc.), and I do not know all the endonyms so that I can tokiponize as needed. Is there a site with those? I know Wiktionary has some, but only in an appendix and it’s inconvenient to access.

  • Zotn (jan Sotan)M
    31 year ago

    In pu the dictionary, place names (and a few other parts) are under CC-BY-NC, so they can be shared as they appear, but I don’t know any place that has them. I used to read jan Pije’s copy of it on http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/placenames.php, but it too have been taken down sadly. The link is for an archived version.

    Others can maybe give better sources, I am not sure what’s up to date and accurate.