This is my first bike and first ever tire change. I was apprehensive to do it myself, but a guy at work reassured me that I wouldn’t have much issue. I’ve done plenty of automotive work, but I typically leave tires to the professionals.

I got 5k out of these Battlax T45s, but the rear was especially looking worn. I went with Shinko 712 in a size up from stock for a little more clearance on lean angle. They are tubeless tires, but everything I’ve read has led me to believe putting tubes in will not be an issue.

I use the bike primarily for commuting to work. Very much looking forward to being on the road again.

Don’t mind the Triumph. That’s my buddy’s

  • bmoney
    11 year ago

    im personally just so in love with riding that i find it so nerve wracking to do anything to my bike

    shes my baby and i dont wanna do something i cannot reverse

    i dont give af on my truck, ill do a lot of that work myself but for some reason i feel so nervous getting involved with the moto