What do we think of the Uta/Shanks connection to St. Figarland?

Is the secret weapon really a vegapunk creation or an ancient weapon? Could it be vegapunk adding to an ancient weapon?

What does Imu want with Vivi?

Crazy chapter! Can’t wait for the break to be over.

  • @ComplexLotus
    2 years ago

    Crazy chapter! Can’t wait for the break to be over

    Welcome to the void month, where … there is only void century stuff happening I guess? “So Nothing happened.”

    Adittional thoughts on this chapter:

    • The Elder Stars warrior gods title “japanese bushin 武臣” and the title “god / Kami” of Skypia are probably unrelated.
      • but maybe still related to the “natural enemy of gods” thing of the D said in chapter 790.