I am in a bit of a pickle. I’m a developer, and I also use some crypto social media, and I also like downloading media sometimes, I do a lot of stuff. I modify CSS, I script & hack the web, yadda yadda. Basically what this means is I ended up with like 50 addons I juggle-enable-disable all the time. This is extremely frustrating without some kind of grouping them, or at the very least searching only among my installed addons to enable/disable.
Do you guys have any idea if a tool or method exists to solve this problem?
@guy Nice. I didn’t know this exists. Will definitely give it a try.
As I mentioned in another profiles suggestion, I’ll consider it, but it’s regretful if this is the only option because I use history/bookmarks/cache heavily and it’s simply crippling to lose access to them just cuz firefox doesn’t allow Ctrl+F/Scripting for bulk addon management.
You could use multiple profiles with Firefox Sync logged into the same account inside each profile, but turn off addon syncing?