• @GCanuck
    510 months ago

    First off, we’ll said.

    I seem to recall a time not too long ago where there was 2-3 different Trek TV series airing at once. People were getting sick of Trek at that time too. We need to learn to take smaller bites, and not gorge ourselves sick with this type of content.

    Although I will say there are plenty of stories to tell in the Star Wars mythos. We just need to find some producer/studio brave enough to nail shut the Skywalker era and move on.

    Personally I’d rather see the next big Star Wars series pickup a couple hundred years post-Skywalker.

    • Whiskey Pickle
      10 months ago

      I agree that there’s so much to tell in the SW mythos. and while I agree that the Skywalker story is done, I think that you’re much more likely to find someone more willing to plum the depths of The Old Republic and the tens of thousands of years of history leading up to the fall of the Republic. The Era of the High Republic, for example, already has plenty of novels to explore and adapt.

      But, back to Trek, I think it’s time to pivot away from throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. They should have a good enough idea now of what audiences want, and it isn’t DIS, it’s SNW and content similar to that in tone and format. Episodic with short story arcs, character driven and mission-focused without being too superficial and action-driven. Audiences want to see nuance and emotion, but don’t want to be ruled by it and still want to see the science being worked out with teamwork, not used as dialog-filler without actually being applied in a slapdash manner without any realistic connection to what’s happening on screen. and enough with the spinning camera and constant crazy camera angles giving everyone vertigo.

      • @GCanuck
        310 months ago

        Re first paragraph: while I do somewhat agree, we’ll likely never see TOR stories until Disney and EA can sort out the rights to those stories. Plus, I’d rather have TOR kept as video game lore. For no reason I can articulate.

        Re second paragraph: Yup. :).

        • @[email protected]OP
          10 months ago

          sorry to jump in here, but…

          I don’t think getting rights to the novels is a problem— adapting them in-universe is what would be difficult, although that’s not been a problem when they’ve dipped their toes into the lore before. The REAL problem will be, as you’ve mentioned before 1) mustering the courage to venture away from the “core story”, and 2) convincing he audience to go along. it would be the equivalent of Trek producing ENT, and we all know how well that went— although, done better, that could have been pretty awesome and quite nearly was. (Yes, I’m still bitter about that show!)

        • Whiskey Pickle
          210 months ago

          Ya know, they’ve started in with the novels already. Not only with, it think Tales of the Jed, but also going into the new series Acolyte, they’re delving into adapting some of the later ones. I do believe they’re going to start moving that way.

    • Uranium3006
      210 months ago

      I’m still getting caught up after becoming a trekkie and the binging hasn’t gotten old yet and I’m on discovery.