• Rustmilian
    1 year ago

    Can you give an actual example from the modern era? and it’s just a question.
    Also, would Cleopatra count as “Blackwashing”?
    Because it literally fits the definition of whitewashing, just race swapped.

    • @Mighty
      01 year ago

      Can you not educate yourself? Also the “race swapped” argument is so old and tiresome. If you still don’t understand privileges and systemic racism, the read a book please

      • Rustmilian
        1 year ago

        Privilege is a class based issue not a race-based issue, and systematic racism is a problem brought on by the Democratic party more or less.
        But I get it, you’d rather deflect instead of answering the actual question, e.g. an example of modern day whitewashing in film.

        The Netflix documentary; Cleopatra, literally tried to “wash” the history of Egypt by presenting a factually false & biased narrative in an attempt to benefit one racial group. This very fact is supported by historians, Egypt’s state-affiliated United Media Services’ own documentary channel, Al-Wathaeqya, currently producing a documentary about the true story of Queen Cleopatra VII in protest of Netflix’s Cleopatra that’s ‘falsifying Egyptian history’ & the case of Mahmoud al-Semary vs Netflix.

        Hell, the Netflix documentary; The Women King, conveniently depicts King Ghezo and the Agojie as being opposed & reluctant to slavery; however the Agojie helped the rise of the 18th century slave trade & King Ghezo historically loved slavery :

        “The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…” - King Ghezo, 1840’s.

        But I get it, you’d rather hold double standards so you can push your biased political narrative.

        If you can’t answer a basic question then just say so, but I’m not playing this game of deflection because you can’t come up with an answer. At least Viking Hippie actually provided an answer instead of ego jerking, even if it’s not a modern example.

        • @Mighty
          01 year ago

          so you CAN use google? then why do you expect other people on the internet to educate you? why is it my job to “answer your question” when you’re obviously old enough to research on your own. “systematic racism is a problem brought on by the Democratic party.” what a joke. systemic racism is everywhere and we’re all growing up in it. if you still trying to play the “horseshoe” card of “but there’s racism against whites”, then i’m clearly not the person to convince you you’re wrong. i just hope you start asking questions and looking around for answers instead of playing the “gotcha” game on the internet with strangers.

          i don’t need to answer your questions. it’s YOUR job to educate yourself once you’re out of school (and even in school). it’s your job to question your own priviledges and your own role in the whole system. i am on my journey, educating myself and anyone who’s actually reflecting and looking for answers. seems like you’re not doing that. you’re just looking to prove what you already believe to be true. good luck

          • Rustmilian
            1 year ago

            You’re deciding to deflect again, I see.
            All I asked was for an example from the modern era, but instead you choose to ego jerk yourself and deflect. I like deep conversation, not rejects whom go “can you educate yourself” when asked a simple question, while knowing full well they just couldn’t come up with a real answer and can’t actually contribute anything of value to the conversation past that. In the end, it was you who “gotcha game” yourself by being a prick. Have you never heard of not commenting when you have nothing to say? Because that high horse broke it’s leg showing off.

            The Democratic party brought on much of the systematic racism through their discriminatory policies, for example : Jim Crow laws, Executive Order 9066, more recently the 1990s Crime policies under President Bill Clinton, etc.
            Even after reverting much of the policies, the long lasting effects are still felt throughout the nation today. Ofc they’re not the only ones that were involved; Redlining was a discriminatory policy carried out by banks and real estate agents from the 1930s to the 1960s which long lasting effects are still in full swing.

            And again, privilege is class based not race-based. Regardless of race; The Rich have far more privilege than anyone, while the poor has the least privilege.

            Can you educate yourself? ◉⁠‿⁠◉