How do you like infused coffee? On one hand, it has unusual flavors, on the other hand, those flavors are added. What is more important, experiencing an unusual taste or drinking good coffee instead of the flavored one?

  • godless
    72 years ago

    I’ve had some mango-infused beans that were quite interesting, from a small roaster in Hungary. I don’t like acidity at all, so getting any fruity notes in a coffee that’s not tainted by acid is a rare find for me, so I liked it quite a bit. On the other hand I don’t really see the difference of adding (microdosing, really) flavorings to the coffee after brewing if I just want a hint of something else.

    Been experimenting around a bit, and what really does it for me is to use a cinnamon stick to stir a freshly brewed espresso for a a few seconds. Can be reused for weeks. Adds a very subtle, mellow flavor that I quite enjoy.